Thursday, February 16, 2012

Have a ball with these royal party games

Today we'll be kicking off a series of posts all centered around the theme of "Royal Party Games!" One of our princesses' favorite things are to play games. You would think that when it comes to parties in NYC the one thing you don't have is space for party games. We beg to differ! While our NYC kingdom parties may lack the grand ballrooms of our castles, these games make up for the lack of space with miles of creativity and tons of fun! Over the next few weeks we'll be showcasing some of our simple, and most importantly FUN party games that work for royal guests ages 3-10. Also, all of these games are diverse enough to cover entertaining from your studio apartment all the way up to a community center rec room. Happy playing!


Things you’ll need:
A bag of Hershey’s kisses
Paper Slips (1 for each guest)
A bag, Bowl or Hat
Getting Ready:
Step 1:  Write the word ‘frog’ on one slip of paper.
Step 2:  Write the names of other animals on all the other pieces. 
Step 3:  Fold each piece of paper, and put it in the bag, bowl or hat.
When the guests arrive:
Step 1: Choose one guest to be the princess.  We of course suggest this being the birthday girl herself to start!
Step 2:  All the other guests form a circle around the princess.
Step 3:  Blindfold the princess.
Step 4: Have all the guests pick a piece of paper until someone gets the one that says ‘frog.’
Step 5:  The princess then says, “with this kiss, the frog becomes a prince.’  The guests then all start making the sounds of their animal, but only the child that has the "frog" slip may say ‘ribbit.’
Step 6:  The princess should walk towards the frog, using the ribbit sounds as her guide.
Step 7:  When she thinks she knows who the frog is, she should hand that guest the kiss.
Step 8:  If she guesses right, the frog gets to keep the kiss, and sits out the next round while the player to the right of her is the princess.
Step 9:  If she guesses wrong, then guest gives back the kiss, and must sit out while play starts again, with the frog now playing the princess.

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