Monday, August 6, 2012

Whimsical Party Location - Le Carrousel in Bryant Park

Ooh! Aaah!

As we covered in our 2012 Olympian blog post, us New Yorkers need to make the most of this beautiful summer weather! So today we explore the whimsical party location of Le Carrousel in Bryant Park. (Among some fun linkage to other carousels in NYC). First, a little history lesson! According the internet (which is always reliable) The word "carousel" has been traced to twelfth-century Arabian games of horsemanship called "carosellos" or "little wars." The game consisted of riders tossing a small perfumed clay ball from one rider to another. By the 16th century these games spread to France where the events were elaborated; people wore fanciful costumes and engaged in tournaments of drama called "Carrousels." Eventually the art form became more tactile, as artists began to sculpt crudely shaped horses. In the late nineteenth century American artists broke from European tradition. To the dashing horses, artists added an entire menagerie of elegant animals, often accompanied by flowers, bells, plump cherubs, and flashing mirrors.

The carousel in Bryant Park was built specifically to compliment the aesthetics of the park by artists located in Brooklyn. They offer all sorts of GREAT birthday party packages starting for as little as $360. When you save that much money on your party location, it gives you the perfect excuse to add a little extra something a visit from Mary Poppins and Bert! We had the privilege to attend a party at Le Carrousel earlier this summer and had a blast!! Contact us for pricing starting as low as $275 for a character visit and activities.

Don't get discouraged if Manhattan isn't your Burrough. Time Out NY Kids just came out with a list this past month of carousels all over the 5 Burroughs! With these whimsical party locations, the sky's the limit on your theme party this summer. Next posting we'll be sharing some Mary Popppins themed party inspiration straight from our Pinterest page. So......

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  1. I love outdoor birthday parties! Perfect time for active, messy and noisy kids to burn off some energy.
    birthday party places for kids in brooklyn

    1. We couldn't agree more! Thanks for the great link :)
